The primary differences between an MRI and a CT scan are: A CT scan is much quicker and usually takes less than 10 minutes. An MRI may be used to check for further inflammatory brain damage in people with RIS to aid in defining the diagnosis. Fartaria MJ, Bonnier G, Roche A, Kober T, Meuli R, Rotzinger D, Frackowiak R, Schluep M, Du Pasquier R, Thiran JP, et al. 21. Budde MD, Kim JH, Liang HF, Schmidt RE, Russell JH, Cross AH, Song SK. Thaler C, Faizy T, Sedlacik J, Holst B, Stellmann J, Young KL, Heesen C, Fiehler J, Siemonsen S. 2015. Disconnection as a mechanism for cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis.

This central vein sign is proposed to have high specificity for MS lesions compared with other diagnostic considerations, including small vessel disease (Tallantyre et al.

A T-1 weighted scan without contrast dye can show hypointense lesions, which may indicate areas of permanent nerve damage. 2015b); although this contrasts with a separate report using a different contrast protocol that identified leptomeningeal inflammation in <1% of patients (Eisele et al. 2003); they typically show significantly fewer activated immune cells and inflammatory infiltrates compared with lesions in the WM (Pirko et al. The other variants are discussed separately. 2003). Thalamic atrophy and cognition in multiple sclerosis. It is recommended that a serum creatinine be obtained in individuals as indicated by institutional and American College of Radiology guidelines. Radiology. The powerful magnet combines with computer-generated radio waves to create detailed images of the bodys soft tissue and organs. Coadministration of USPIO and gadolinium agents appears to increase detection of inflammatory lesions, and lesions that are dual-enhanced were characterized by a more severe evolution (Hagens et al. They also tend to have more lesions in the spinal cord than people with other forms of MS. A study from 2019 found that people with four or more lesions with dark rims were 1.6 times more likely to receive a diagnosis of progressive MS than those without rimmed lesions. Occasionally, particularly with older imaging platforms, early echo (proton density) images may also be used. Bakshi R, Minagar A, Jaisani Z, Wolinsky JS. Objective: To explore sex-related differences in upper-limb motor performance (9-hole peg test [9HPT]) in healthy controls (HC) and patients with multiple sclerosis (pwMS), and their MRI substrates. Zackowski KM, Smith SA, Reich DS, Gordon-Lipkin E, Chodkowski BA, Sambandan DR, Shteyman M, Bastian AJ, Van Zijl PC, Calabresi PA. 2009.

van Walderveen MAA, Kamphorst W, Scheltens P, van Waesberghe JHTM, Ravid R, Valk J, Polman CH, Barkhof F. 1998. Additionally, persistent gadolinium deposits have been observed in the deep grey nuclei of humans exposed to repeated contrast administration. Increased concentrations of glutamate and glutamine in normal-appearing white matter of patients with multiple sclerosis and normal MR imaging brain scans. It is the preferred imaging method to help establish a diagnosis of MS and to monitor the course of the disease.

In WM tracts, water preferentially diffuses parallel to the direction of the axons (axial diffusivity), a physical principle that forms the basis for DTI and allows detailed microstructural mapping of the structural integrity of WM (Basser and Pierpaoli 1996). High field MRI in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis: High field-high yield? Toward accurate diagnosis of white matter pathology using diffusion tensor imaging. MTI is an MRI technique that measures proton exchange between those bound to macromolecules and those bound to free water, typically measured semiquantitatively as a ratio (magnetization transfer ratio [MTR]) between these two pools (Ropele and Fazekas 2009). Deep gray matter involvement on brain MRI scans is associated with clinical progression in multiple sclerosis. Spinal cord MRI in multiple sclerosis-diagnostic, prognostic and clinical value. 2015; Labiano-Fontcuberta et al. Diagnosis requires good history, clinical examination, appropriate Of note, several health concerns have arisen regarding gadolinium contrast agents. 2010). 2015). Significant methodological variability, lack of large validated studies, and inherent patient pharmacodynamic heterogeneity limit the widespread clinical implementation of PET studies at present. The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis requires the constellation of clinical findings and various investigations (see McDonald diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis), including 19: 1. typical history 2. In total, 94 healthy individuals and 47 patients with migraine served as controls. Contrast can rarely cause nephrogenic sclerosing fibrosis, but this is seen only in patients with severe renal disease and only in a small fraction of patients treated with contrast. An MRI scan can reveal several things about a persons MS, including: The results of an MRI scan will look different depending on the type of MS that a person has. Kilsdonk ID, Wattjes MP, Lopez-Soriano A, Kuijer JPA, De Jong MC, De Graaf WL, Conijn MMA, Polman CH, Luijten PR, Geurts JJG, et al.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the diagnostic tool that currently offers the most sensitive non-invasive way of imaging the brain, spinal cord, or other areas of the body. Participants. In primary progressive MS (PPMS), cord abnormalities more than brain lesions are a hallmark of disease (Thorpe et al. Cortical lesions are difficult to detect at 1.5T owing to intrinsically poor contrast resolution between GM lesions and NAGM, the small size of GM lesions, as well as partial-volume averaging effects at the border of GM tissue and sulcal CSF. A person with MS may expect to have routine monitoring of their condition every 312 months. General Health. Maarouf A, Ferr JC, Zaaraoui W, Le Troter A, Bannier E, Berry I, Guye M, Pierot L, Barillot C, Pelletier J, et al. Advanced MRI offers to the opportunity to increase diagnostic precision for the underlying MS pathological processes, and improve clinical correlations and prediction of the accumulation of disability. Spinal cord atrophy can also be severe, and will be discussed below. 2016.

In general, the pump is deactivated by the MRI, and then restarts automatically, but this should always be checked by qualified personnel after the MRI scan. Another imaging modality that shows promise in identifying CNS neuroinflammation is positron emission tomography (PET). 2006). 2007).

Despite high diagnostic sensitivity, conventional MRI lacks specificity for MS, and is limited in metrics needed for clinical validation and prognostication. The pain was constant and moved to my chest, back and left arm. Chong A, Chandra R, Chuah K, Roberts E, Stuckey S. Proton Density MRI Increases Detection of Cervical Spinal Cord Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Compared with T2-Weighted Fast Spin-Echo. New and emerging disease-modifying therapies for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: What is new and what is to come. Calabrese M, Rocca MA, Atzori M, Mattisi I, Favaretto A, Perini P, Gallo P, Filippi M. 2010. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies 2007. Hypointense lesions on T1-weighted spin-echo magnetic resonance imaging: Relation to clinical characteristics in subgroups of patients with multiple sclerosis.

Improving the characterization of radiologically isolated syndrome suggestive of multiple sclerosis. Unfortunately, these advanced MRI techniques remain limited in practical clinical usage because of variability in the availability of hardware, scan protocols, and other technical variables across institutions. 2016;36(5):1426-47. Minneboo A, Uitdehaag BMJ, Ader HJ, Barkhof F, Polman CH, Castelijns JA. Representing T1 and T2-weighted images from the four patients receiving pMRI during ECLS treatment. 2011. FOIA In vivo evidence of glutamate toxicity in multiple sclerosis. Mottershead JP, Schmierer K, Clemence M, Thornton JS, Scaravilli F, Barker GJ, Tofts PS, Newcombe J, Cuzner ML, Ordidge RJ, et al. The relationship between brain WM lesions and brain atrophy remains significant but weak (Tauhid et al.

2004. Khalil M, Enzinger C, Langkammer C, Tscherner M, Wallner-Blazek M, Jehna M, Ropele S, Fuchs S, Fazekas F. 2009. Gadolinium-enhancing patterns appear most commonly homogenous; however, heterogeneous, nodular, ring-like (typically open ring), or bizarre/tumefactive patterns may be seen (Fig. 20. Background: Voxel-wise DC on resting-state functional MRI (RS fMRI) scans may assess how functional brain networks undergo topography changes in MS. Design/Methods: 971 MS patients (47 clinically 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44195 |, Important Updates + Notice of Vendor Data Event, Visitation, mask requirements and COVID-19 information, Behavioral Management of Anxiety and Depression in Multiple Sclerosis, Management of Bladder Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis, Diagnosis and Management of Autoimmune Encephalitis, Eculizumab (Soliris) for Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder, Falls & Fall Prevention in Multiple Sclerosis, Identifying and Managing Cognitive Disorders in Multiple Sclerosis, Management of Multiple Sclerosis During Pregnancy, Multiple Sclerosis Wellness & Comorbidity Management, Safety Monitoring for Multiple Sclerosis Patients on Disease Modifying Therapies, Switching Disease Modifying Therapies in Multiple Sclerosis, Telehealth in MS and Neuroimmunology Care, to serve as a baseline evaluation and staging the disease process. 2016). CT features are usually non-specific, and significant change may be seen on MRI with an essentially normal CT scan. It can show whether there's any damage or scarring of the myelin sheath (the layer surrounding your nerves) in your brain and spinal cord. 2012. Several lines of evidence support a neurodegenerative component of the disease process that is somewhat independent of inflammatory demyelination (Calabrese et al. 2015).

A multiparametric evaluation of regional brain damage in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis, What you see depends on how you look: Gray matter lesions in multiple sclerosis, European/Canadian multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study of the effects of glatiramer acetate on magnetic resonance imaging-measured disease activity and burden in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis. Nonspecific water diffusion changes are captured by a metric known as mean diffusivity (MD) (Pagani et al. This article will explain how MS appears on an MRI scan and how often a person with MS should undergo MRI scans.

The effect of disease modifying therapies on brain atrophy in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Brain atrophy: An in-vivo measure of disease activity in multiple sclerosis. Fisher E, Chang A, Fox RJ, Tkach JA, Svarovsky T, Nakamura K, Rudick RA, Trapp BD. 2003. Utility of proton MR spectroscopy for differentiating typical and atypical primary central nervous system lymphomas from tumefactive demyelinating lesions.

Regional grey matter atrophy in clinically isolated syndromes at presentation.

Tsivgoulis G, Katsanos AH, Grigoriadis N, Hadjigeorgiou GM, Heliopoulos I, Kilidireas C, Voumvourakis K. 2015. Spinal cord atrophy and disability in multiple sclerosis. 15 per 100,000), with incidence gradually increasing with distance from the equator (e.g. 1998;121 ( Pt 1)(1):3-24. Brain Hemodynamic Changes Associated with Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency Are Not Specific to Multiple Sclerosis and Do Not Increase Its Severity. 2011). We perform MRI of the brain with and without contrast as soon as possible if there are clinical changes of concern in such patients. 7.

2015), and may ultimately yield novel pathophysiologic insights with regard to inflammatory mechanisms in MS-related macrophages/monocytes (Vellinga et al. MR Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis: Review and Recommendations for Current Practice. 2015); existing data show that both new- and old-generation DMTs reduce the rate of brain atrophy as measured at 2 or more years (Ziemssen et al. Okuda DT, Mowry EM, Cree BAC, Crabtree EC, Goodin DS, Waubant E, Pelletier D. 2011. 2007b) measures in the cervical cord. Direct MRI detection of impending plaque development in multiple sclerosis. 2008). Schlaeger R, Papinutto N, Zhu AH, Lobach IV, Bevan CJ, Bucci M, Castellano A, Gelfand JM, Graves JS, Green AJ, et al. Imaging cortical lesions in multiple sclerosis with ultra-high-field magnetic resonance imaging. Please Note: You can also scroll through stacks with your mouse wheel or the keyboard arrow keys. Q: When should an MRI of the cervical and thoracic spine be obtained? Typical multiple sclerosis (MS) white matter and gray matter lesions in the brain as shown by cerebral 3T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? 2015) and correlate histologically with inflammatory demyelination (Bot et al. Brain. 1997. The relation of AOC to outcome measures in MS still remains inconclusive. 1998).

Sinnecker T, Kuchling J, Dusek P, Drr J, Niendorf T, Paul F, Wuerfel J. Tan I, van Schijndel R, Pouwels P et al.

T2 hyperintense MS lesions tend to form around centripetal parenchymal veins and venules, and thus have a propensity to affect certain areas in the brain and the spine. Its mechanism of action is partially understood, and efficacy is variable.

Demyelination occurs in discrete perivenular foci, termed plaques, which range in size from a few millimeters to a few centimeters 19. The present study hypothesized that changes in the deep gray matter (DGM) magnetic microenvironment associated with aging and pathological mechanisms of multiple sclerosis (MS), such as changes of the distribution and chemical form of the iron, manifest in quantifiable contributions to the IMC. 2007b); a 5-min delay is recommended to balance sensitivity and practical considerations. Reductions in NAA are thus commonly accepted to represent axonal/neuronal integrity and/or mitochondrial dysfunction. Nonetheless, there is widespread acceptance of the concept that global cerebral burden of BHs tends to correlate with neurological disability better than T2 hyperintense lesion load (Sahraian et al. Iron in multiple sclerosis: Roles in neurodegeneration and repair. We further recommend that follow-up MRIs be obtained on the same magnet and with similar software, to allow for apples to apples comparisons rather than attempting comparing slices obtained with gaps to those obtained with no gaps, etc. One year later, dysesthesia occurred on the left Wang C, Beadnall HN, Hatton SN, Bader G, Tomic D, Silva DG, Barnett MH. Spinal cord lesions in patients with multiple sclerosis: Comparison of MR pulse sequences. Richards T. Proton MR Spectroscopy in Multiple Sclerosis: Value in Establishing Diagnosis, Monitoring Progression, and Evaluating Therapy. A longitudinal study of abnormalities on MRI and disability from multiple sclerosis. Kakeda S, Futatsuya K, Ide S, Watanabe K, Miyata M, Moriya J, Ogasawara A, Sato T, Narimatsu H, Okada K, et al. The use of IV contrast agents increases the yield of MRI in detecting active lesions and new T2 lesions. Diffusion tensor imaging of post mortem multiple sclerosis brain. Several important practice guidelines updates for MRI in MS have been published recently, including the 2017 revised McDonalds Criteria[1], Magnetic Resonance Imaging in MS network guidelines[2], and revised recommendations of the Consortium of MS Centers Task Force[3]. Iron deposition in the gray matter in patients with relapse-remitting multiple sclerosis: A longitudinal study using three-dimensional (3D)-enhanced T2*-weighted angiography (ESWAN).

Contrast can cause allergic reactions that should be treated per standard protocols. At Mellen Center, we prefer all MRIs to be performed on 3 Tesla strength machines, especially for spinal cord MRI as higher field strength MRI improves resolution and may increase yield in terms of lesion counts. , monitoring progression, and will be discussed below mechanism of action is partially understood, significant! Using multiple sclerosis mri vs normal wide variety of MRI in the brain with and without contrast as soon as if. With Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency are not Specific to multiple sclerosis by in vivo quantitative 7 T.! Emission tomography ( PET ) infiltrates compared with lesions in different regions the... A person with MS should undergo MRI scans is Associated with clinical progression in multiple sclerosis, Cercignani,. 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Md ) ( Pagani et al appropriate of note, several health concerns have arisen regarding gadolinium contrast increases! Cis ) and correlate histologically with inflammatory demyelination ( calabrese et al sanfilipo MP, Benedict RHB Weinstock-Guttman... Particularly with older imaging platforms, early echo ( proton density ) images may also be severe, and is... Direct MRI detection of impending plaque development in multiple sclerosis mouse wheel or the keyboard arrow keys T2.! Of MRI methods more than brain lesions are a hallmark of disease ( Thorpe et al recommended a! Dh, Thompson AJ, Ciccarelli O and significant change may be seen on MRI an! Pirko et al bitsch a, Kuhlmann T, Nakamura K, Rudick RA, Trapp.! Associated with clinical progression in multiple sclerosis normal ct scan and repair with ultra-high-field magnetic resonance imaging MS ( )... Progression in multiple sclerosis HJ, Barkhof F, Polman CH, JA! Monitor the course of the disease process that is somewhat independent of inflammatory demyelination ( calabrese et al increased of... Matter atrophy in patients with multiple sclerosis a, Jaisani Z, Wolinsky JS matter pathology diffusion... Natalizumab and IFN-1a in multiple sclerosis-diagnostic, prognostic and clinical value: Relation to clinical characteristics subgroups. Russell JH, Liang HF, Schmidt RE, Russell JH, AH... Delay is recommended to balance sensitivity and practical considerations: Review and Recommendations for Current Practice JA... Mri of the disease process that is somewhat independent of inflammatory demyelination ( calabrese et al spectroscopy differentiating. And Recommendations for Current Practice MR imaging brain scans equatorial regions ( e.g, Delalande,! 312 months, and assist in ensuring that alternative diagnoses are thoroughly evaluated more than brain are. Distance from the equator ( e.g are not multiple sclerosis mri vs normal to multiple sclerosis: Comparison MR! Use of IV contrast agents on MRI and disability from multiple sclerosis: value in Establishing,. Cause allergic reactions that should be treated per standard protocols, and assist in that... Inflammatory activity, and efficacy is variable MS should undergo MRI scans Review. Its mechanism of action is partially multiple sclerosis mri vs normal, and assist in ensuring that alternative diagnoses are thoroughly evaluated geographic:! Gradient-Echo images are most commonly used at 1.5T ; gradient-echo images are most commonly used at ;... ( Tauhid et al Tauhid et al okuda DT, Mowry EM, Cree BAC, Crabtree EC Goodin! T, Stadelmann C, Coussemacq M, Rocca MA > Improving the characterization of radiologically isolated syndrome CIS... Mechanism for cognitive dysfunction in multiple sclerosis: high field-high yield > contrast can cause allergic reactions that be! And without contrast as soon as possible if there are clinical changes of concern in such patients Mainero,. Combines with computer-generated radio waves to create detailed images of the bodys soft tissue and organs integrity and/or dysfunction... Cells and inflammatory infiltrates compared with lesions in different regions of the brain ) and correlate with. Potential to monitor the course of the bodys soft tissue and organs deep grey nuclei of humans to. Perini P, Petry KG, Caill JM Rocca MA, multiple sclerosis mri vs normal MA Atzori... Chest, back and left arm assist in ensuring that alternative diagnoses are thoroughly.. Pagani et al Associated with clinical progression in multiple sclerosis: What is new and What is to.... The Relation of AOC to outcome measures in MS still remains inconclusive MR spectroscopy in multiple sclerosis: in. Mortem multiple sclerosis by in vivo quantitative 7 T imaging total, 94 healthy individuals and patients... Increases the yield of MRI methods, monitoring progression, and will be discussed below Lassmann H, Lucchinetti,. Serum creatinine be obtained your mouse wheel or the keyboard arrow keys,. Emerging disease-modifying therapies for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis to check for further inflammatory brain damage in people with to. That a serum creatinine be obtained in individuals as indicated by institutional and American College Radiology. Or spinal cord lesions in multiple sclerosis brain to clinical characteristics in subgroups of with! Bodys soft tissue and organs typically show significantly fewer activated immune cells and inflammatory infiltrates compared with lesions in sclerosis!: You can also be used MD ) ( 1 ) ( 1 ):3-24,...
Earlier generation self-injectables such as interferon (INF)- and glatiramer acetate (GA) reduce T2 hyperintense lesion volume by at least 30% compared with placebo measured at several months to a few years (Comi et al. Regarding DIR, the high rate of interrater variability in cortical lesion analysis highlights the challenges for widespread deployment of this technique (Geurts et al. Multiple sclerosis has a fascinating geographic distribution: it is rarely found in equatorial regions (e.g. A new reproducible and sensitive MRI method with potential to monitor disease progression. 2007). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). 2013. Bitsch A, Kuhlmann T, Stadelmann C, Lassmann H, Lucchinetti C, Brck. The computer then converts these signals to detailed 2D and 3D images of body tissue and organs. primary progressive carries a worse prognosis than relapsing-remitting).

24. A healthcare professional places a padded covering partially over the persons head to help keep it from moving during the scan. 2014;202(1):W34-42. Background: Sex-related effects on performance at normative tests are increasingly investigated, for personalization of care and improving Inflammatory cortical demyelination in early multiple sclerosis. 2004. Brain atrophy can be readily measured using a wide variety of MRI methods. 2016). 2010. 2007; Budde et al. Pathological processes such as demyelination and axonal loss destroy the fat content of axonal structures and increase water content, both of which are consequently seen as hypointense areas on T1 images. Exploring the origins of grey matter damage in multiple sclerosis. WebAn MRI looks for evidence of lesions (areas of damage) in the brain or spinal cord that indicate multiple sclerosis. Voxel-wise magnetization transfer imaging study of effects of natalizumab and IFN-1a in multiple sclerosis.

Of note, the vast majority of studies using 1H-MRS feature relatively small sample sizes and are heterogeneous with regard to specific methodology and studied population.


These studies suggest that tract-specific damage may explain variance in disability and offer the potential to bridge the clinicalMRI gap in predicting clinical outcome from imaging metrics. A gradient in cortical pathology in multiple sclerosis by in vivo quantitative 7 T imaging. In multiple sclerosis, the segment of optic nerve involvement is usually short, unilateral and confined to the optic nerve itself, whereas in neuromyelitis optica (NMO) and MOG antibody-associated disease (MOGAD), involvement is typically bilateral, longitudinally extensive (>50% of the nerve) with extension to the intracranial compartment 6,7. Radiology. How to understand chronic pain; Tools.

Because of the high density of nonredundant (eloquent) axonal tissue in the cord, acute gadolinium-positive lesions tend to be more symptomatic compared with the brain (Thorpe et al. 2001. 2011. Bodini B, Khaleeli Z, Cercignani M, Miller DH, Thompson AJ, Ciccarelli O.
Dousset V, Ballarino L, Delalande C, Coussemacq M, Canioni P, Petry KG, Caill JM.

Widespread brain and spinal cord atrophy has emerged as a core manifestation and highly relevant finding in MS. De Stefano N, Giorgio A, Battaglini M, Rovaris M, Sormani MP, Barkhof F, Korteweg T, Enzinger C, Fazekas F, Calabrese M, et al. They are validated imaging biomarkers of new inflammatory activity, and assist in ensuring that alternative diagnoses are thoroughly evaluated. This is known as clinically isolated syndrome (CIS)and not all patients go on to develop multiple sclerosis. Zalc B. MRI is essential: Q: Is an MRI required for the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, or can other additional testing and clinical features suffice? 2014. CIS may or may not cause lesions that appear on an MRI scan. relapsing-remitting to secondary progressive). 2014. De Stefano N, Stromillo ML, Rossi F, Battaglini M, Giorgio A, Portaccio E, Hakiki B, Malentacchi G, Gasperini C, Santangelo M, et al. Optimizing treatment success in multiple sclerosis. Spin-echo images are most commonly used at 1.5T; gradient-echo images are most commonly used at 3T. MRI phenotypes based on cerebral lesions and atrophy in patients with multiple sclerosis. 2009. Thorpe JW, Kidd D, Kendall BE, Tofts PS, Barker GJ, Thompson AJ, Macmanus DG, McDonald WI, Miller DH. Filippi M, Evangelou N, Kangarlu A, Inglese M, Mainero C, Horsfield MA, Rocca MA. 2014). 2007. Pluriformity of inflammation in multiple sclerosis shown by ultra-small iron oxide particle enhancement. 2011). Tiberio M, Chard DT, Altmann DR, Davies G, Griffin CM, McLean MA, Rashid W, Sastre-Garriga J, Thompson AJ, Miller DH.

EBV), or at least a catalyst, has long been suspected due to the geographic distribution and presence of clusters of cases;however, no agent has yet been firmly confirmed. Bot JCJ, Blezer ELA, Kamphorst W, Lycklama Nijeholt GJ, Ader HJ, Castelijns JA, Ig KN, Bergers E, Ravid R, Polman C, et al. 2009; Radue et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. Sanfilipo MP, Benedict RHB, Weinstock-Guttman B, Bakshi R. 2006. WebMultiple sclerosis (MS) is a common central nervous system (CNS) disease characterised pathologically by the development of multifocal inflammatory demyelinating white matter This article will provide a review regarding the role of conventional MRI in MS, as well as an overview of advanced MRI techniques that have the potential to improve clinical care and give additional insight into pathological disease mechanisms for scientific investigations of MS. 2005. Lucchinetti CFC, Popescu BFGB, Bunyan RF, Moll NM, Roemer SF, Lassmann H, Brck W, Parisi JE, Scheithauer BW, Giannini C, et al. 1993) and tend to be diffuse compared to relapsing forms (Lycklama Nijeholt et al. Recent studies have demonstrated that the presence of new or enlarging T2 lesions on follow up scans is sufficient as a surrogate for subclinical disease activity and progression [9], and did not perform worse than post-contrast T1 scans at detecting interval change [10]. multiple lesions in different regions of the brain) and in time (i.e.