why is the eucharist the most important sacrament

Such language, of course, could be used only by a God-man; so that belief in the Real Presence necessarily presupposes belief in the true Divinity of Christ. This view is supported, not only by the solemn and earnest words of Christ, when He promised the Eucharist, and by the very nature of the sacrament as the spiritual food and medicine of our souls, but also by the fact of the helplessness and perversity of human nature and by the daily experience of confessors and directors of souls. A new impetus was given to the adoration of the Eucharist through the visits to the Blessed Sacrament (Visitatio SS. there remain here for a more detailed consideration two principal truths: (I) The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist; and (II) The Eucharist as a Sacrament. its full size, with its complete organization of integral members and limbs, is present within the diminutive limits of the Host and in each portion thereof. 4). and, especially, from the words of Institution as recorded in the Synoptics and St. Paul (I Cor., xi, 23 sqq.). Zwingli's understanding of the Eucharist lacks the force and persuasiveness of Thomas Aquinas'. John, vi, 50 sqq. Such a numerical identity could well have been denied by Ratramnus, Rabanus Maurus, Ratherius, Lanfranc, and others, since even nowadays a true, though accidental, distinction between the sacramental and the natural condition of Christs Body must be rigorously maintained. When the Arians accused St. Athanasius (d. 373) of sacrilege, because supposedly at his bidding the consecrated Chalice had been destroyed during the Mass which was being celebrated by a certain Ischares, they had to withdraw their charges as wholly untenable when it was proved that Ischares had been invalidly ordained by a pseudo-bishop named Colluthos and, therefore, could neither validly consecrate nor offer the Holy Sacrifice. Ambrose, De Sp. The Eucharist isthe Real Presence of God, Jesus Christ, body and blood, under the appearance of bread and wine. Not until the beginning of the Middle Ages did controversial issues arise that found expression in the definition of the doctrine of transubstantiation at the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. If, then, the words of Jesus are to be taken figuratively, it would appear that Christ had promised to His enemies eternal life and a glorious resurrection in recompense for the injuries and persecutions directed against Him. haer., V, ii, 3), and Cyprian (Ep.

The ancient Hydroparastatae, or Aquarians, who used water instead of wine, were heretics in her eyes. Yet since much more is contained in the plain words than this true and deep mysticism, it is desirable to combine both explanations into one, and so we may regard the Epiklesis, both in point of liturgy and of time, as the significant connecting link, placed midway between the Consecration and the Communion in order to emphasize the part taken by the Holy Spirit in the Consecration of bread and wine, and, on the other hand, with the help of the same Holy Spirit to obtain the realization of the true Presence of the Body and Blood of Christ by their fruitful effects on both priest and people. It is an effective commemoration of his death that also makes present the sacrifice on the cross. A good Communion is recognized less in the transitory sweetness of the emotions than in its lasting practical effects on the conduct of our daily lives.

The seven sacraments are baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, penance, anointing of the sick, marriage and holy orders. WebFor Catholics, the Holy Eucharist is very important as it embodies the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ instituted at the Last Supper more than 2000 years ago. Neither supposition is correct. Now the Council of Trent under pain of anathema, solemnly rejects such a necessity (Sess. Consequently, eating and drinking are to be understood of the actual partaking of Christ in person, hence literally. True it is that the Scriptural words Body of Christ not unfrequently have the meaning of Church, which is called the mystical Body of Christ, a figure easily and always discernible as such from the text or context (cf. (c) The third and last question has to do with the multilocation of Christ in heaven and upon thousands of altars throughout the world. The claims of the learned work of the Anglican Dr. Pusey (The Doctrine of the Real Presence as contained in the Fathers, Oxford, 1855), who denied the cogency of the patristic argument for Transubstantiation, have been met and thoroughly answered by Cardinal Franzelin (De Euchar., Rome, 1887, thes. The Western term transubstantiation occurs only in some confessions of faith after the 17th century. No doubt this last conclusion directs the attention of philosophical and scientific inquiry to a mode of existence peculiar to the Eucharistic Body, which is contrary to the ordinary laws of experience. The Eucharist is the sacrament of charity or love because it is the re-enactment of the perfect act of love of Christ; namely, His death on the Cross and the Among Baptists, for example, the practice of close communion has restricted the ordinance to those who are baptized properlyi.e., as adults upon a profession of faith. Both philosophical and theological arguments were also advanced against the Cartesians, as, for instance, the infallible testimony of the senses, the necessity of the commune tertium to complete the idea of Transubstantiation [see above, (3)], the idea of the Sacrament of the Altar as the visible sign of Christs invisible Body, the physical signification of Communion as a real partaking of food and drink, the striking expression breaking of bread (fractio panis) which supposes the divisible reality of the accidents, etc. eucharistia, thanksgiving), the name given to the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar under its twofold aspect of sacrament and Sacrifice of the Mass, and in which, The Lords Supper is the most essential of all the sacraments that are practiced today. According to a decision of the Sacred Congregation of Rites (February 25, 1777), still in force, the deacon is to administer Holy Communion only in case of necessity and with the approval of his bishop or his pastor. As a union based upon love, the Holy Eucharist cleanses with its purifying flame the smallest stains which adhere to the soul, and at the same time serves as an effective prophylactic against grievous sin. These words form, not a theoretical, but a practical proposition, whose essence consists in this, that the objective identity between subject and predicate is effected and verified only after the words have all been uttered, not unlike the pronouncement of a king to a subaltern: You are a major, or, You are a captain, which would immediately cause the promotion of the officer to a higher command. In spite of their striking unanimity as regards essentials, the Petrine account is simpler and clearer, whereas the Pauline is richer in additional details and more involved in its citation of the words that refer to the Chalice. There can be nothing incongruous or improper in the fact that the body also shares in this effect of Communion, since by its physical contact with the Eucharistic species, and hence (indirectly) with the living Flesh of Christ, it acquires a moral right to its future resurrection, even as the Blessed Mother of God, inasmuch as she was the former abode of the Word made flesh, acquired a moral claim to her own bodily assumption into heaven. The position held by St. Augustine is at present the subject of a spirited controversy, since the adversaries of the Church rather confidently maintain that he favored their side of the question in that he was an out-and-out Symbolist. xxxiii, enarr., i, 10), and declared that at the Last Supper Christ held and carried Himself in His own hands (In Ps.

iii). He repaired, however, the public scandal he had given by a sincere retractation made in the presence of Pope Gregory VII at a synod held in Rome in 1079, and died reconciled to the Church. 2. fidei eccl. 086 079 7114 [email protected]. The objection that the mere historical recitation of the words of Institution taken from the narrative of the Last Supper possesses no intrinsic consecratory force, would be well founded, did the priest of the Latin Church merely intend by means of them to narrate some historical event rather than pronounce them with the practical purpose of effecting the conversion, or if he pronounced them in his own name and person instead of the Person of Christ, whose minister and instrumental cause he is. Hence, though the Greeks may in the best of faith go on erroneously maintaining that they consecrate exclusively in their Epiklesis, they do, nevertheless, as in the case of the Latins, actually consecrate by means of the words of Institution contained in their Liturgies, if Christ has instituted these words as the words of Consecration and the form of the sacrament. Because of variations in both doctrine and practice, however, the Eucharist, which was intended as both a symbol of and a means of fostering unity within the church, has been a source of disunity and even contention. WebSolved by verified expert. Were one to say of a piece of bread: This is Napoleon, he would not be using a figure, but uttering nonsense. the material substance of bread and likewise the material substance of wine remain in the Sacrament of the Altar; (2) Accidentia panis non manent sine subjecto, i.e. According to the Gospel accounts, Jesus established the practice at the Last Supper, a traditional Passover seder, when he blessed the bread, which he said was his body, and shared it with his disciples. Below you will find coloring pages that will help kids reflect on what the sacraments mean to them. The latter method of drinking the Chalice spread to other localities, in particular to the Cistercian monasteries, where the practice was partially continued into the eighteenth century. Corresponding to the three kinds of food and the three periods, there are as many dispensersMoses dispensing the manna, the Father nourishing mans faith in the Son of God made flesh, finally Christ giving His own Flesh and Blood. In proof of this interpretation, examples are quoted from Scripture, as: The seven kine are seven years (Gen., xli, 26) or: Sara and Agar are the two covenants (Gal., iv, 24). On this last truth are based especially the permissibility and intrinsic propriety of Communion only under one kind for the laity and for priests not celebrating Mass (see Communion under Both Kinds). The rigor of this law of the Church may be traced to the ancient custom of the Romans and Jews, who mixed water with the strong southern wines (see Prov., ix, 2), to the expression of calix mixtus found in Justin (Apol., I, lxv), Irenaeus (Adv. WebThe symbols of bread and wine have been used in the Eucharist for centuries. the capability of being extended in tri-dimensional space. Council of Trent, Sess. XXI, c. i). Accordingly, the continuance of the appearances without the substance of bread and wine as their connatural substratum is just the reverse of Transubstantiation. the form and motion of a body. Aristotle himself taught (Metaphys., VI, 3rd ed. Since Christ has left us no definite precept as to the frequency with which He desired us to receive Him in Holy Communion, it belongs to the Church to determine the Divine command more accurately and prescribe what the limits of time shall be for the reception of the sacrament. In this matter the Church alone has the right to decide, and her regulations regarding the Communion rite may vary according to the circumstances of the times. The eucharistic beliefs and practices of Eastern Orthodoxy have much in common with those of Roman Catholicism. Not only did such renowned Fathers as Justin (Apol., I, lxvi), Irenaeus (Adv. Harnack (Dogmengeschichte, 3rd ed., Freiburg, 1897, III, 148) emphasizes when he declares that St. Augustine undoubtedly was one in this respect with the so-called pre-Reformation and with Zwingli. The older philosophy designated the appearances by the name of accidents, the subject of the appearances, by that of substance. myst., iv, 2 sqq. that of London in September, 1908, have all contributed to keep alive faith in Him Who has said: behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world (Matt., xxviii, 20). In the history of the Zwinglian conception of the Lords Supper, certain sacramental expressions (locutions sacramentales) of the Sacred Text, regarded as parallelisms of the words of Institution, have attracted considerable attention. As regards the doctrine of the Fathers, it is not possible in the present article to multiply patristic texts, which are usually characterized by wonderful beauty and clearness. (Cf. To love and worship Jesus the way He wants to be loved.

Here are some of the amazing effects of the Eucharist: 1) Union with Christ: Reception of Jesus in the Eucharist fuses our being with that of Christ. For the chief difficulty of the latter appears to be that the same Christ is present in two different parts, A and B, of the continuous Host, it being immaterial whether we consider the distant parts A and B joined by the continuous line AB or not. Through the Sacraments, God shares his holiness with us so that we, in turn, can make the world holier. The Council of Trent met these widely divergent errors of the Reformation with the dogmatic definition, that the God-man is truly, really, and substantially present under the appearances of bread and wine, purposely intending thereby to oppose the expression vere to Zwinglis signum, realiter to Oecolampadiuss figura, and essentialiter to Calvins virtus (Sess. XXII, can. The contention that the words of the Epiklesis have a joint essential value and constitute the partial form of the sacrament, was indeed supported by individual Latin theologians, as Toute, Renaudot, and Lebrun.

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